
Videos and Presentations in English

  • Video Switching from relational to the graph model by Luca Garulli at All Your Base conference on November, 23rd 2012
  • Video Graph databases and PHP: time for serious stuff by Alessandro Nadalin and David Funaro at PHPcon Poland on October 21, 2011
  • Video: Internet Apps powered by NoSQL and JavaScript by Luca Garulli at JS Everywhere in Paris (France) on November 17th 2012
  • Video : Switching from the relational to the graph model by Luca Garulli at NoSQL Matters in Barcelona (Spain) on October 6th 2012
  • Video : NoSQL adoption: what's the next step? by Luca Garulli at NoSQL Matters in Cologne (Germany) on May 30th 2012
  • Video : Design your applications using persistent Graphs and OrientDB by Luca Garulli at NoSQL Matters in Cologne (Germany) on May 30th 2012
  • Video (English): Works with persistent graphs using OrientDB by Luca Molino at FOSDEM on February 2012 in Bruxelles (Belgium) on Video
  • Video (pseudo-English): Interview to Luca Garulli about OrientDB by Tim Anglade on 2010

Presentations in English

Videos in Italian, Presentations in English