The SQL Grant command changes the permission of a role granting the access to one or more resources. It works as opposite to the SQL REVOKE command.


GRANT <permission> ON <resource> TO <role>


  • permission can be:
    • NONE, no permission
    • CREATE, to create the indicated resource
    • READ, to read the indicated resource
    • UPDATE, to update the indicated resource
    • DELETE, to delete the indicated resource
    • ALL, all permissions
  • resource, the target resource where to change the permissions
    • database, as the access to the whole database
    • database.class, as the access to the records contained in a class. Use ** to indicate all the classes
    • database.cluster, as the access to the records contained in a cluster. Use ** to indicate all the clusters
    • database.query, as the ability to execute query (READ is enought)
    • database.command, as the ability to execute SQL commands. CREATE is for INSERT, READ is for SELECT, UPDATE for UPDATE and DELETE is for DELETE
    • database.config, as the ability to access to the configuration. Valid permissions are READ and UPDATE
    • database.hook.record, as the ability to set hooks
    • server.admin, as the ability to access to the server resources
  • role, the role name


Grant the permission to update any records in cluster Account to the role "backoffice".

GRANT UPDATE ON database.cluster.Account TO backoffice

To know more about other SQL commands look at SQL commands.