Server Management

This is the section to work with OrientDB Server as DBA/DevOps. Starting from OrientDB 2.1 Studio has been enriched of features taken from the Enterprise Edition.


This page summarizes all the most important information about the current server and the other servers connected in cluster if any:

  • Server status
  • Operations per second
  • Active Connections
  • Warnings
  • CPU, RAM and DISK used
  • Live chart with CRUD operations in real-time



Displays all the active connections to the server. Each connection reports the following information:

  • Session ID, as the unique session number
  • Client, as the unique client number
  • Address, is the connection source
  • Database, the database name used
  • User, the database user
  • Total Requests, as the total number of requests executed by the connection
  • Command Info, as the running command
  • Command Detail, as the detail about the running command
  • Last Command On, is the last time a request has been executed
  • Last Command Info, is the informaton about last operation executed
  • Last Command Detail, is the informaton about the details of last operation executed
  • Last Execution Time, is the execution time o last request
  • Total Working Time, is the total execution time taken by current connection so far
  • Connected Since, is the date when the connection has been created
  • Protocol, is the protocol between HTTP and Binary
  • Client ID, a text representing the client connection
  • Driver, the driver name

Each session can be interrupted or even killed.



This panel shows the Server settings divided in two boxes:

  • Properties, as the custom settings in config/orientdb-server-config.xml file
  • Global Configuration, as all the global configuration. Only few of them can be changed at run-time with the "Save" button



This panel shows the storages used by the server. Below the information reported per storage:

  • Name, is the storage name
  • Type, where OLocalPaginatedStorage (plocal) means persstent and ODirectMemoryStorage (memory) is in memory only
  • Path, as the path on server's file system where the storage is located
  • Active Users. This infomation couldn't be updated with the real number of users that are using the database
